Next Election

Spring Primary: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

What to expect on Election Day

Make sure you’re prepared to vote in the next election! Learn more about the candidates from non-partisan sources, see where they fall in the polls, and follow news coverage for up-to-date election information. 

If you are a residential student who wishes to vote on campus, you will need to register using your campus address (2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, WI 53140). 

Students are encouraged to complete their voter registration and obtain a voter ID, if needed, as early as possible, but you may also bring a completed registration form to your polling place on Election Day if you haven’t registered beforehand. 

Absentee Voting

All voters registered in Wisconsin can request an absentee ballot be mailed to them for any reason. Voters must be registered before they can request an absentee ballot. Voters may request their absentee ballot in writing. Voters must provide a photo ID with their absentee ballot request.

Request an absentee ballot

 Completed absentee ballots can be mailed to the City Clerk’s Office in the pre-addressed envelope enclosed with your ballot, can be dropped off at a ballot dropbox, or you can return your ballot in person to the City Clerk’s Office at the Municipal Building (625 52nd St.) by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Note: Only you may turn in your ballot to the City Clerk’s Office — no one may submit it for you. 

voting in wisconsin as an out-of-state residential student

Are you a residential student who wants to vote in Kenosha for upcoming elections? You can register as a Wisconsin voter using Carthage as your current address. Your Carthage ID, combined with a recent fee statement, will serve as proof of residence for registering to vote.

Once you are registered to vote, be sure to confirm that you will have an acceptable photo ID to bring with you to the polls. If you do not have a valid Wisconsin photo ID or driver’s license, you can request a Carthage voter ID. This is a separate ID from your Carthage College ID card which contains an expiration date and is approved for use to vote. Students can obtain a voter ID for free in the Office of Student Life.  Registered voters must present an acceptable form of photo identification at their polling place.

Follow these steps to register to vote in Wisconsin: 

  • To register, complete the voter registration form, print it, and deliver it in person to the Municipal Clerk’s Office, along with a proof of residence document — you should plan to bring your Carthage ID and either a certified housing list or a fee receipt dated within the last nine months.

When registering, you must provide proof of residence. The Wisconsin Elections Commission recognizes a student’s proof of enrollment as proof of residence for registration along with a current student ID. Students can access the proof of enrollment form from the Workday system to register to vote in Wisconsin.

Follow these steps to access your proof of enrollment:

View statement > Academic period > Generate pdf

  • Log into Workday through OneLogin
  • Go to your profile
  • Click on the “Student Financials” tab
  • Select “View Statement”
  • Choose the current academic period
  • Select “Generate PDF”
  • Click on the PDF to view and print your fee statement
  • Bring your fee statement to the polling station with your Voter ID

What to expect on Election Day: Download the guide

Live on campus?

  • Request an absentee ballot from your home state if you’re registered to vote there.
  • If you’re registered to vote in Wisconsin with your campus address, you will vote at the Carthage College N.E. Tarble Athletic and Recreation Center lower level lobby.
    • N.E. Tarble Athletic and Recreation Center (The TARC)
      2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, WI 53140
      Polling Hours: 7 a.m.-8 p.m.

Live off campus or commute to Carthage?

If you’re from another state but you have registered to vote in Wisconsin, you can obtain a valid voter ID card for free from the Office of Student Life in the Todd Wehr Center. Students can request a voter ID during normal office hours, which are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Note: Your student ID card will not suffice as valid photo identification for voting.


  • A Wisconsin DOT-issued driver license, even if driving privileges are revoked or suspended
  • A Wisconsin DOT-issued identification card
  • A Wisconsin DOT-issues ID card or driver license receipt
  • A Military ID card issued by the U.S. Uniformed Services (including retired and dependent uniformed service IDs)
  • A U.S. passport book or card
  • A voter ID card issued by the Office of Student Life with valid issue date (out-of-state students only)

see a list of acceptable forms of ID for voting

Learn more about acceptable voter IDs

Early in-person voting is held in the Municipal Building: 625 52nd Street, Kenosha, Wis. Early voting hours for each election can be found on the MyVoteWisconsin Local Absentee Options website.

Remember: If you haven’t registered to vote beforehand, you may register and vote during early voting. Don’t forget your valid photo ID! 

If you choose to cast your ballot in your home state, visit to learn how to register to vote in that state.

Every state except North Dakota requires citizens to register if they want to vote. States that require registration also have deadlines for when you need to register. Visit the U.S. Vote Foundation’s website to find out deadline dates for all states, or check your state or territory’s election office for more details.

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